Monday 7 April 2014

Tunisian Antiquities Dumped in Paris

On February 28, authorities in France discovered 81 Roman artifacts of Tunisian origin sitting outside a museum in Paris. Two young Tunisian men, according to the Tunisian National Heritage Institute, dropped off the items at the Bavay Museum after their families had brought them from Tunisia. It is unclear where exactly the artifacts came from, how they got to France, or why the men suddenly decided to give them up to a museum. [...] “This case is very bizarre,” Youssef Cherif, a blogger and a specialist in ancient history and archaeology told Tunisia Live. He added it was unclear if the artifacts were taken before or after Tunisia’s 2011 revolution. 

Afef Abrougui, 'Negligence, Corruption Threaten Tunisia’s Heritage Sites' Tunisia Live 4 April 2014

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