Monday 7 April 2014

Bainsey Now "Receiving Threats" from UK and European Thugwits

Metal detectorist Bainsey, who was this morning banned from the UK and European Metal Detecting Forum has discovered that he is now the subject of discussion on a hidden thread on the forum from which he is excluded (so is denied right of reply) and reports that he too has now been receiving threats, the inference being that this is from members of that forum who do have access to that thread.

This is totally symptomatic of the rampant thugwittery of the UK metal detecting community as a whole. Bainsey was told that after setting up what he intended to be a blog about responsible metal detecting, he was now excluded from the UK and European Metal Detecting Forum for alleged "connections to Paul Barford".   Now, because of this, he is getting threatened by fellow metal detectorists? What kind of people are these?

And M. Rix who is behind all this by banning Bainsey is berating me for not having anything "positive" to say about such a community. Too blooming right I don't.

TAKE A GOOD LOOK at this behaviour, for these are precisely the sort of people the PAS wants to grab more and more millions of public quid to make into the "partners" of the British Museum, archaeological heritage professionals and to whom they want us all to entrust the exploitation of the archaeological record. Take a good look and decide what you think about that as a "policy".  

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