Sunday 2 February 2014

WMF Crisis in Syria Campaign

The World Monuments Fund is running a Crisis in Syria campaign to spread the word about the dire threat to Syria's cultural legacy. You can learn more about it here. On the webpage there is also a   petition, which takes the form of a letter of support addressed to Dr. Maamoun Abdul-Karim the Syrian Director General for Antiquities and Museums.
In war, human well-being is paramount, but when the conflict ends, cultural heritage will play an important role in helping to rebuild the lives of people whose homeland has been shattered by these terrible events. I recognize your efforts and those of your colleagues to protect sites, and salute the work of heritage professionals who risk their safety to preserve these sites under extraordinary circumstances. Joining concerned citizens around the world, I stand with the people of Syria in recognition of the importance of their cultural heritage as critical to both Syria’s and the world’s future. Sincerely, [Your name]
Of course, I do not expect many collectors will be signing it, they support leaders like Wayne Sayles who irrationally label all heritage professionals of antiquities source countries "Nazis". But I hope the rest of my readers who have a more reasoned approach than the collecting and dealing jackasses to efforts to protect the cultural heritage will sign. Thanks.

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