Thursday 6 February 2014

Sam Hardy on Variant Stories About Discovering the Apollo of Gaza

Sam Hardy, 'The Apollo of Gaza: stories as different as night and day' Conflict antiquities, February 6, 2014.
The fisherman, called Mounir by Fabio Scuto in la Repubblica, is identified as Jouda Ghurab by Vernon Silver in Businessweek. And it’s not just the fisherman’s name that’s changed [...] From the details of the characters to the development of the plot, there are so many oppositions between Mounir and Jouda’s tales that they could be a book from the Masnavi. They seem laboriously, contrivedly perfect mirror images. And as such, they appear implausible. Personally, they make me doubt that the statue’s discovery was an accident.
Sam promises more later.

UPDATE  7th Feb 2014:
Fabio Scuto, the author of the original Repubblica article about the find expresses surprise about some of the circumstances of the article in Businessweek and sets the record straight on several things.

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