Thursday 4 March 2010

"Ted Gardiner Saw a Wrong That Needed Righting"

Ted Gardiner (Justin Hackworth)

An article in the Salt Lake Tribune gives the background to Monday's death by shooting of Ted Gardiner the undercover operative in the case against 26 antiquity collectors and dealers in the Utah region (Patty Henetz, 'The Source' -- The inside story Salt Lake Tribune 03/04/2010 ). The author concludes

"Ted Gardiner says he saw a wrong that needed righting; he feared for his life, then took it himself".
She reveals new details about events which followed the initial June 11 announcements of the raids and charges. Gardiner contacted the Salt Lake Tribune (presumably Henetz herself, though she does not say) to present his side of the story. Apparently written on the basis of her own personal knowledge of Mr Gardiner, her article shows some of the tensions which developed over the FBI handling of the case, his fears for his personal security and his reaction to the attempts made to discredit him because of his actions. A very troubling story.

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